
Thursday, November 4, 2010

My artsy little sister

I come from a pretty artistic family.
My dad is a traditional artist and is amazing!
In fact, everyone should check this out (there will be a whole blog on my dad and this art show coming up!)

My mom does graphic design and art and is a PRO at crafts and projects.

I, unfortunately didn't get the creative/art gene as strongly. I can only do a few doodles and sketches but I'm no pro. But my little sister Sage is well on her way to following in my parents footsteps.

Ever single time I see her, she is in the living room or in the kitchen doing something. She's either painting, drawing, knitting, sculpting, doing origami, cooking, or just about a million other things.

And she's only 11!

This year, she decided to enter into the reflections contest at school. Reflections is a program where kids can enter a project, whether it be a film, dance, music, photography, drawing, painting or 3D object and it goes along with the theme for that year. This years theme was "together we can".

Last night was the open house to go see all of the entries. My little sister did a 3D sculpture

(its the pink, blue and yellow one on the end)

And a painting

Check out that medal!!!

After she painted it, she wasn't too sure about it, so my dad had her watch a documentary on Jackson Pollock.

I was so proud of her. She really is such a creative little girl and she still has so much room to develop and expand her artistic talent.

In other news, I have been so sick since last Saturday. I went in to the doctors on Monday and they ended up losing my lab results and it was a big old hassle, which most of you have already heard on Facebook so I'm not going to go into it.

Anyways, I've been feeling better off and on the last 2 days. I'll wake up sick, then feel better by around 11am, which means I'm on the mend at least. Last night I was feeling a lot better so I decided to go to Bryant's football game since I had to miss his one last week.

They played really well and won! Woo! Despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing! However, because I was out in the cold, my cold came back. I felt awful this morning, so I crawled back into bed after some cereal and a dose of Robitussin. Needless to say, I'm feeling much better!
My hubby is so handsome when he's all geared up for football!

And these two really annoying girls next to me spent the first half of the game wondering why there were 2 Stokes on the team. They were thinking that maybe one was a copycat, or one had borrowed the jersey from the other, or one was a nickname. They didn't realize that Bryant and Tyler are Brothers haha! I like that they came up with the most ridiculous theories first when anyone else would have figured it out pretty quick.

Also, they were annoying me by rating how hot all the players were. What was this? High school?

Also, I'm 19 weeks along today! Almost half way there! Also, Bryant got to feel the baby kick yesterday!!!

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