
Monday, November 29, 2010

I just can't handle stupid people...

Once, when I wan in a film class in High School, we were watching March of the Penguins.
My teacher was about 8 months pregnant at the time.

There is one part of the movie, where a little baby penguin gets picked off by a seal or something and my teacher got up and said "I'll be back, I can't watch this, it's a 'mom' thing"

I though it was weird, but, oh well...

Now I know what she meant.

In fact, Bryant and I sat in our PJ's this morning channel surfing. We stopped for a minute on Little House On the Prairie. We came in in the middle of the show and a fire had started in a blind school. A man ran upstairs to grab his blind wife, who had just laid her new baby in the crib to go to sleep. He yells "the school is on fire! we need to go!" he grabs her hand and they head down the stairs and out the door to safety, WITHOUT THE BABY!!! WHAT??? I couldn't handle it. As soon as the building started falling down and the parents realized that they forgot to grab their baby, that was right there when they were leaving, I grabbed the remote and changed the channel. I was getting really, really upset.

Then, as I'm lazily sitting here (2:30pm and still in my P.J's) going through my e-mail, I opened one I got from the What to Expect When Your Expecting website, which led me to this article.

Apparently, a woman was pulled over because she was breastfeeding her baby, while she was driving!

And not only was she driving, and breastfeeding, she was talking on the phone too!

So here she is, chatting away, driving, and breastfeeding her baby, who's head is inches away from the steering wheel (airbags, anyone?)

I couldn't handle this either. I read the news article and in it the woman states that if her baby is hungry, she's going to feed it.

Ok, thats fine with me, but for your safety, the safety of those on the road, and more importantly than anything else, your baby's safety, either wait unti
l you arrive at your destination, or pull over for crying out loud!

And for the last story for the day, I was watching one of those TLC baby shows today and one was of a lady who decided to do an at home, natural birth. I'm perfectly fine with women who decide to do this. More power to them because I know I could never do it myself. I'm not that tough. I want the sterile and clean hospital, I want the pain meds and the staff of nurses and doctors who know what they are doing because heaven knows, I don't. But this story just had me saying "really? seriously?" the whole time.

This woman decided that for her first birth, she was going to do it natural, and at home, unassisted meaning, no doctors, no midwives, no doulas. Nothing. She decided that she wasn't even going to research it out or take any prenatal supplements or birthing classes or anything. She wanted her natural instincts to kick in.

This is another time when I can't believe that someone would risk their child's life. She ended up having twins, both breech and one with a cord that preceded the baby, meaning that in a normal situation, the doctor would have performed an emergency C-Section. Thank GOODNESS that both babies survived!

I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I really can't understand people like this, They just drive me nuts. And today is one of those weird hormonal days where everything sets me off. I promise, I'm usually a nice person, I just needed to get some anger out haha!


  1. If I ever have a baby, I want to give birth unassisted, I dont want doctors or other educated people meddling in my business, I also hope to give birth while driving a car that is on fire.

  2. I hate that episode of Little House! I never watch that show and happened to stop on it one day when that particular part was happening. I can't believe they didn't grab the baby! It totally freaked me out too. That nursing mother should be charged with reckless endangerment to a child or something...that's crazy about the unassisted birth lady too. Did she even know she was having twins? She's so lucky the cord didn't get squished and kill the baby...
