
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Warning! Cute and cuddly alert!

So my youngest brother Sawyer is quite the little farmer these days.
He has 3 chickens that he raised for an FFA project and they have become my family's pets. They are really funny to watch and the best part is that we get free eggs! (really super pretty eggs as a matter of fact, kind of a pink-ish red color) Tonight after work I went to kind of hang out with my mom and watch her bake cookies (who doesn't love watching mom bake cookies?!) and she was adorable when she cracked and egg for the dough and said "I'm so happy we have chickens... by the way, Sawyer has 4 more." So I ran into his room to find...

Aren't they adorable???These ones wings fan outward and they will lay maroon and blue eggs.

Now for adorable photos set number two...

This is my cousin's son Jackson with his grandpa.

My uncle Russel was drinking a cherry coke and he really really wanted it. It was pretty cute. No wonder everyone in my family is addicted...

Also, I have some exciting news!

Next weekend is Bryant and I's anniversary and we are going to....


I'm so excited! I'm such a sucker for all things Disney. Bryant was making fun of me last night. He was saying that Disneyland would be fun to take me to because I would be just as excited as a little kid. I told him I didn't always act like a 5 year old, and then he pointed out that I was coloring (which, I was, but who can pass up an animal planet coloring book?!)


  1. Hahaha! I'm jealous! I want to go to Disney Land!! Do you remember when my family had chickens?! We got free eggs but the chickens smelled bad. I wouldn't mind having some when I finally get a house though.

  2. our family got chickens a whole lot of them we have 15 chicks and one rooster. Happy One Year Anniversary that sounds a lot of fun going to Disneyland I would be excited too!!

  3. Rachael-I do remember your chickens! We used to go check if they had eggs every now and then. And yes, they smell awful! Sawyer built the coop right outside my bathroom window so I never open it... unless I want to check for eggs.

    And Jessica- I should be saying happy 2 year anniversary to you! haha since we got married on the same day a year apart!
