
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Yup! Most of you guessed it!

I'm pregnant! Woo! Stokes baby number 2 is due to arrive May 25th! I had taken a pregnancy test a couple of weeks ago, and it had come back negative. I was a little disappointed, but I just carried on normally for the next couple of weeks. Then over the next few days, I was feeling exhausted. I couldn't get through the day without a nap. I thought this was because I was getting off of caffeine and my body was having a hard time adjusting. Then I noticed other little things, like my appetite changing. Last time I was pregnant, my whole first trimester I was starving! I was constantly snacking and eating. I realized that I would have breakfast, then as soon as I got to school, I would have to run and grab a water and a veggie cup to get me through class. Then as soon as I got home, I was so hungry for lunch that I would get shakey. There were other signs too, and I started to add them up. Then one morning, I decided out of the blue "I still have some tests under the sink, there's no harm in testing again!" So I did and, surprise! Two pink lines! 

I'm only about 7 weeks along, and I was going to wait a few more before I announced it, but we had told family and a couple of close friends, and then suddenly, I was getting phone calls, texts and e-mails asking if we were expecting. Then I decided to post that I had a secret a couple of blog posts ago and got even MORE messages and phone calls! I mean, I wasn't very good at hiding what my secret was, was I ;-)

I've tried to explain it to savannah, but of course, she just thinks I'm hiding one of her baby dolls under my shirt and keeps lifting my shirt up randomly asking "Baby? Is it?" She did very sweetly give my tummy a big old kiss the other day. Maybe she can sense things better that we adults can. After all, when I was 3 I told my Mom that my brother was playing in my room, before she even knew she was having a boy.

As you can see, we are pretty darn excited!

We can't wait to meet you baby Stokes!


  1. Yay!!! I totally guessed that was your secret. That's awesome! :)

  2. Congrats again! We are so excited for you guys! It will be cousin number 11 for my kids! Jayden is excited for another cousin!

    1. Thank you! Jayden and Mason are Savannah's only cousins, and will probably be the only ones for a while, since I dont foresee my brothers getting Married anytime soon hahaha!

  3. Yeah, I don't think Elora got it until one day I was holding her for nap time, and the baby kicked her through my tummy! She was soooo shocked. She was 20 months whenJosh was born, they were the closest together of ourkids (The others are all 25 months apart.) How old will Savannah be when the baby is born?

    1. they will be 26 months apart . Me and all my siblings are 3 years apart so this will be Interesting!
