Day 10: Describe your most embarrassing moment.
Ok, I've got 2 for you today.
So, once upon a time, there was this boy who lived in my building, who I kind of really super liked. Let's call him Bryant...
Well, one day, he asked if I wanted to come play kick-ball with our ward. I knew he was super athletic and loved any type of sport or competition. I, trying to impress him, told him that I was really good a sports too, and that I played pretty much everything (which, is false...) So off we went to the field.
I was feeling pretty confident, and kind of talked myself up, saying that I was a kickball pro (because really, no one needs to know that you were always last to be picked at this game in grade school...). So here I was, up to kick! I actually kicked a pretty good hit that went past the 2nd baseman. I ran hard, and as fast as I could, to show off my amazingly fast running skills when, halfway to first, I got ahead of myself.
You know when you are running, and you don't trip over anything, but you are going too fast and your legs kind of drag behind your head and shoulders? Then WHAM! The next thing you know, you're literally eating dust...
Well, that's what happened to me.
I just kind of laid there, face down in red clay dust and shame. I could hear everyone laughing. It was humiliating. Especially when that's all Bryant could talk about for the next week! Needless to say, I left the game and walked home after my pathetic display of athleticism.
That boy ended up marrying me, so I guess I looked pretty cute at least.
Story #2
This summer, I participated in a neighborhood "biggest loser" weight loss challenge. One day, after coming home from a work out, I decided that I was going to take a picture of myself for a "before" photo... In just my skivvies...
This photo was meant for personal use only. Just so I could see how I looked without baggy clothes covering up my curves. So, in my sports bra and panties, I stood in my hallway and took a profile photo from my thighs up. Mind you, not only was I half naked, but I had just come back from a workout, so I was looking pretty ragged.
I had used Bryant's phone, because It was sitting on the table and mine was charging in my room. I then decided that I would text myself the photo to my phone. Bryant had put me in his phone contacts under a nickname and I couldn't remember what it was, so I decided to just punch in my number. But just as I hit the "send" button, I realized that I had typed in the last number in wrong!!!
So yup, someone out there has a photo of me, in all my chubby, skivvy glory. I'm still mortified about it.
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