
Friday, September 3, 2010

Bryant's Birthday bash

Bryant's birthday was on Monday.
Unfortunately, he had to work and it was also his first day of school.


And, me being the procrastinator that I am, didn't get around to buying him a present until only a couple hours before he came home.

But what I did get him was awesome!

So that evening, after a block party BBQ at my neighbors house, we came home and unceremoniously unwrapped his presents in my parents living room while eating some homemade cheesecake. I got him a BYU hat, seeing as he lost his old one while river rafting (after I told him not to wear his nice hat, of course...).



San Francisco 49ers baby onsies!
Ok, ok so I know the gift wasn't really for him, but I liked them so much and he's such a sports nut that I just had to get them!

And yes, they are kind of boyish and I don't find out what my baby is for a few more weeks. But I figured, boy or girl, if this baby is anything like Bryant, he/she will have to deal with Sunday night football.

I even got them in sizes for 6-8 months, just so that the baby can wear them during football season. Clever me.

My parents probably gave him his favorite present. They gave him Ace last year, which was also his favorite present, geeze, way to one up me mom and dad (just kidding! Love you!).

They got him these passes from Trafalga (a mini golf place near here) that include things like free mini golf, free batting cages, free go carts, free Owlz games (thats what I'm most excited about!!!) free 7 peaks passes (a water park) and a gazillion other things for 12 months!
They got one for me too! They said they figured we would be broke next summer what will having a baby and all and that we wouldn't get to spend that much on fun things and entertainment.

What was really funny was that just that weekend we had gone mini golfing with Bryant's brother and sister and saw those passes and Bryant was seconds away from buying them. Good thing he didnt cause we got them for FREEEEEEEE!

Thanks mom and dad!

Probably Bryant's biggest gift (I'm counting it as a gift, even though he bought it) is our new Mac! Woo Woo!

We needed a new computer so stinkin' badly and we finally got our grant money back, pulled out our savings, plus 200$ in gift cards and a chunk of money his parents gave him to finally purchase one. My favorite thing about it so far? The photobooth!

I can do fun things like infrared camera

Give myself two heads!

And go scuba diving!

Overall, even though I didn't go all-out like I wanted to for Bryant, I think he still enjoyed his birthday. He's the best husband in the whole entire world and I can't wait for the many many birthdays to come (and Christmases, and Father's days!)

I love you Bryant! Thanks for being the best!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke,

    You have a beautiful blog :)

    I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave me that lovely comment on my blog as part of the love bombing, I really appreciated it.

    Sorry it's taken so long to reply, but I am trying to respond to everyone.

    have a great day :)

