
Saturday, September 18, 2010

23 years

Well, here I am! 23 and kickin'!

I know this sounds a little selfish, but I love my birthday. Like I told Bryant today, it's my little kick-off to the holiday season. My birthday this month, Halloween next month, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years! Woo!

I am the luckiest girl alive.
My husband always makes my birthday so special.
When we were dating, he threw me a surprise party with some of my friends.
Last year, we went to a nice dinner and authorpalooza at my work.
This year, he just flat out spoiled me.

You know that scene in Breakfast at Tiffany's where she decides to spend the day doing things she enjoys and then doing things he enjoys?
My day was like that.
And it was perfect!

First, I slept in all morning long (a luxury now that i'm getting to that point in my pregnancy where I no longer have to get up 3 times a night to use the bathroom, and thanks to the meds my doc gave me, morning sickness is on its way out the door!)

Bryant finally had to force me out of bed so I wouldn't spend the whole day sleeping.
I then ate my favorite breakfast in the whole world: Cream of Wheat with toast dipped in it!
yum yum yum!

Then I got ready and we headed out for the day!

Our first stop was the sister store to where my husband works to pick me out a better pair of shoes for work (I'll be needing them with the increased hours during the holiday season and the increased size of my belly too!) They are super comfortable and the best part was they were free!!! AND, one of the girls who works theirs husband came in to visit her and brought their adorable beagle/spaniel mix puppy that I got to play with!

Next it was off to the mall where I was on the hunt for some jewelery. Normally I would want clothes but I'm in a weird limbo stage where I don't fit in my normal pants and I won't quite fit into maternity cloths just yet. Also, my inlaws gave me a giftcard to the maternity store! I can't wait to use it!

I didn't find any jewelery I liked, but I did find the She and Him CD's I've been dying for and Bryant bought BOTH of them for me! What a sweetheart!

(did I mention that this whole time, he was missing the BYU game? He was sacrificing his favorite thing to watch just to do whatever I wanted to do)

After the mall, we met up with his parents who are in town for the weekend to go play some mini golf at Trafalga.


Bryant keeping score

My darling mother-in-law Robyn (I got so lucky with my in-laws, I love them!)

Needless to say, I won the game...
Even though Bryant got 3 hole-in-ones...
But, not to brag or anything...

After golf, we headed over to a pizza place for lunch. Once again, my in-laws spoiled me and got me (in addition to the gift card) an adorable elephant baby toy, A picture frame to put monthly photos of your baby for their first year and a super cute shirt!!!

Ed, Robyn, You guys really are the best in-laws anyone could ever ask for.

After a quick stop at best buy to get the new Halo game for Bryant, we headed home and watched one of my favorite movies ever: Love Actually. Which of course, I cried at the end like I always do, while I ate half a bag of Reeses Peanut butter cups (another thing I love about Halloween: candy in bulk!)

I've decided since Bryant has been so awesome and amazing today and really spoiling me, I told him to go ahead and play his new Halo game while I typed up this post.

He's really excited if you cant tell.
(also, don't mind my off-center picture there, we just moved the TV into this room and I haven't balanced everything yet.

Tomorrow, we are meeting my family up at one of my favorite cafes for breakfast before we have to teach the worlds worst 7 year olds.

I really have the best husband, the best family and the best friends in the whole world!

And dad, if your reading this, I do wear shoes... I just bought a pair today in fact haha!

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