
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day and Baby Update!

Yesterday was Valentines Day. I was really excited and I had some fun things planned that I wanted to do, but unfortunately, I'm still sick. Bleh.

I did however, get to go to a romantic lunch with Bryant. He was able to get off work a little early and he called me and had me meet him down at the Chefs Table in Orem.

Sooo yummy!

We had a gift card there that Bryant won a few months ago from work, and we didn't use the whole thing so this was the perfect day to use the rest up!

(yuck, I'm really starting to look bloated aren't I?)

I had the chicken salad sandwich with a salad and Bryant had the fillet minion (spelling on that?) which I stole a few bites of...

Afterwords, Bryant wanted to take me to a movie or bowling, but I was starting to lose energy fast and my nose was blocked like the hoover dam so we headed home and I took a long nap.

Then, we headed off to our first prenatal class! A few of my friends have told me not to waste my time there, that I would know exactly what to do when the time came, but honestly, I'm so happy I went! I learned a lot and I'm looking foreword to next weeks class!

We learned about warning signs to look for, the different stages of labor and delivery, and then learned some breathing and relaxation techniques (which Bryant just sat there and giggled because I couldn't breath at ALL through my nose!). Bryant was a good sport and really supportive the whole time. It feels good to know that he's going to be a good "birthing coach".

The lady who teaches the class did a really good job. She's been a labor and delivery nurse for 13 years and is pregnant with her 7th baby (I'd say she's well qualified to teach the class at this point...) And she answered everyone's questions, no matter how odd they were, like the one girl who asked if she would shake uncontrollably after she delivered or what it would smell like during labor and delivery and if there was any particular smell to be worried about (obviously, she's been reading too many weird things on the internet and is getting a bit anxious or paranoid. Really? What does it smell like when you deliver a baby? That was not even at the very bottom of my list of concerns...)

As for Baby Stokes...

I had another appointment today and, once again, she's super healthy and everything in looking great! I'm still gaining weight right on track (a pound a week! Sounds like a lot, but the doc said that's what he wants me to gain) my blood pressure is normal, her heart rate is normal and her head is nice and low (which means her feet are still always in my right rib cage) and she's growing perfectly.

I go in again in another 2 weeks, then we start weekly appointments to be checked for dilation and all that fun stuff. It's crazy to think that here I am, almost 34 weeks, and she could (safely) come anytime after 37 weeks. Which means she could come in 3 1/2 weeks if she was ready. (I think with how well she's been doing so far, she will come pretty close to her due date though)

So there you have it! My valentines day and a Baby update! I'm off to go clean up the crib we just got from my aunt!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the bloating. I got the same thing and am happy to report that my face and body slimmed right down from the bloating. You could tell I had lost all the swelling and water weight within two weeks after delivery. It was amazing... so don't worry! It will go away. PROMISE!
