
Monday, February 21, 2011

A tale of bowling and epidurals

Today, Bryant and I both had the whole day off, which is becoming more and more rare, so we took the opportunity to sleep in, go to Parkers for lunch (mmmm... onion rings! Cheap onion rings!) and hit up the bowling alley!

We decided to just go to Jack and Jills bowling, but that was a bit of a mistake because it was a lot more expensive and it was waaay crowded.

We had to wait about 20 minutes for a lane, but we kept ourselves busy playing air hockey.

(I'm going to say that my face looks fat due to water weight... At least that's what I'm hoping it is)

It was nice to actually get out and do something rather than just going out to eat for a date. I have to say though, that after holding and 8lb ball, I've decided that I don't want this baby to get to be more than 8lbs! It's not too heavy to carry in your arms, but carrying that in my belly would be so uncomfortable! I have a whole new respect for those moms with 8,9, 10 lb babies. Sheesh!

Speaking of babies, we had our 2nd prenatal class tonight. I really like these classes but they are way too long to have pregnant women sitting in a hard chair. By the end, we are all hunched over with our husbands rubbing our backs. (I should point out that Bryant actually got up and stood behind my chair to give me a really good back and neck massage. Thanks babe!)

This class, the nurse brought a bucket full of things that you might see during your labor, like a hospital gown, forceps, a vacuum, monitors, different types of needles or swabs, and, well, I got the razor... And we all had to guess what they were and what they would be used for.

We also went over cessarian sections (C-sections) and different reasons why you may need one, took a "virtual" tour of the triage room, labor suite, mother's room and nursery and all the rules and procedures associated with them.

We also watched a C-section video and a vaginal birth video. These videos really didn't bother me. Bryant kept asking if I was ok and if they were just making me nervous, but to be honest, I just found them interesting.

But remember that girl I mentioned from my post about our first class that was asking weird questions, like what it smelled like during labor? She got up and left during both videos and looked like she was either going to pass out or cry. I felt really bad, I hope she does ok. She also seemed really concerned after the nurse said that after you deliver, they like you to feed the baby within the first hour. She kept asking repeatedly what would happen if the lactation consultant didn't show up to help her and what if the baby wouldn't latch. The nurse had to reassure her that they would make sure a lactation consultant would be there and everything would be fine.

After the class, I noticed the nurse took her aside and told her that she really didn't need to be so anxious and that she needed to remember that birth was a normal and natural thing. She told her that the more she was stressed, the harder labor was going to be for her. I really hope she does ok, for her sake and the baby's.

The only thing so far that has really freaked me out, was looking at how HUGE the epidural needle was! Seriously, it's like 6 inches long! Thankfully, the nurse said you don't feel that needle (but you do feel the needle that numbs your back up first) and that only a small part of the epidural needle actually goes in. It's big because they feed the catheter through it.

I'm actually really looking foreword to next weeks class. Mostly because they are going over basic parenting techniques, such as diapers, bathing, feeding, that kind of stuff, and I'm interested to see how Bryant does. And well, lets face it, it's been a loooong time since I've made a bottle...


  1. Hello-

    I recently came across your blog and wanted to reach out to you in hopes of you posting about an event that we're particularly excited about at Primrose Schools.

    I have an article/event that I would like to submit that is about dancing and how it relates to fitness. Primrose Schools is hosting a Dance Off competition (with proceeds going the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals) for families and I think it is something you and your readers would enjoy!

    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Thank you,
    Emily Patterson

  2. I just have to tell ya, The long needle is the last thing you will think about when you're in labor. Getting it was the best decision I made! it helped me relax, and dilate faster. My husband doesn't like that kinda stuff but he said it was so interesting to watch. They also numb you before they poke you. So you don't feel the stick. The only thing I felt was when he touched a nerve that went down my leg that hurt but it only lasted a second. I also have kyphosis, which makes a difference in how well it works. You should be ok though. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!

  3. We took those exact same classes! I was most scared of those forceps (seriously, you have to show me that beforehand? If something happens and you need to use them to get the baby out I'm obviously not going to say no, but don't give me one more thing to worry about, please!)

    The epidural really isn't that bad. The worst part of the entire delivery (except the last 20 minutes of pushing) was just the first needle going in to numb the area before getting the epidural. You can totally make it through it!
