
Monday, October 4, 2010

Mom's are the best

It doesn't matter how old I get, or the fact that I'm about to become a mom myself, but my mom always makes sure that I'm healthy and happy.

She's the best!

I've been sick for a couple of days.
Mostly just horrible migraines and dizziness.
I even called in sick today at work, which I never like doing.

I'm also super anemic. Which means I don't have enough iron in my system and my body has a hard time reproducing it's blood supply.

In fact, when I was hospitalized with pneumonia, there was a serious debate weather or not to give me a blood transfusion.

Ever since, the doctors have told me to take iron supplements, never pass up green beans or red meat (but who would pass those up anyways?) and I get a finger prick test every now and then.

My mom was worried when she saw me yesterday, she said I looked too pale and was worried my anemia was getting worse, which is known to happen to pregnant women, and would explain the dizziness.

So today, she brought me what she called the "baby smoothie"

It had bananas, blueberries, flax seed, fish oil, spinach, and a fiber supplement in it.
It started out purple, and tasting like bananas. It ended black and tasting like spinach.
It really didn't taste too bad at all. It was just a little chunky, which made it tough to swallow. It's like beans, they taste fine, I just don't like the texture of them.

I dared my sister to take a sip in exchange for helping her do her homework. She got a weird face and just said "interesting".
(my mom)

This wasn't my first rodeo with a healthy smoothie my mom has made. For after school snacks she used to make smoothies with tofu in them. And really yummy sandwiches with spinach and apple slices.

I'm so grateful for my mom. She always makes sure I'm feeling ok. When I was living down in Provo, she had this "mom sense" that would let her know when I needed a visit from her and she would bring groceries or flowers.

When I was sick as a kid she would run out and buy me a sprite and make toast.

And let's not forget my dad here, he used to grab me cough medicine in the middle of the night or let me drink his coke.
(my dad and I)

Needless to say, I am feeling much much better tonight. My headache is gone and with it my dizziness. My mom said she's going to make me the smoothie again tomorrow (with less chunks) and I'll take it if it has made me feel this much better this soon.

I love you mom and dad. You guys are the best and thanks for always looking out for me (and you too Bryant, who always buys me Reeces peanut butter cups when I'm sick and doesn't make me watch football, I love you too!)

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