
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I probably should listen to my husband more...

Bryant's a smart guy.
I'm a stubborn girl.
Sometimes, my stubbornness makes me really stupid.

So, if you know anyone who is pregnant, go ahead and ask them what the biggest annoyance is.
Go ahead. Ask.

One of the biggest annoyances to me is not the weight gain, not the moodiness or the desire to eat anything in your path. Not the morning sickness or the aching hips at the end of the day.

It's having to wake up 2-3 times a night to pee.

I hate having my sleep interrupted. I hate everything about it. I hate getting up, seeing that I've only been asleep for an hour. I hate turning on the computer room light, then the washroom light, then the bathroom light. I hate turning them all off and when I get to my bedroom I can't see a thing as I stumble to my side of the bed while tripping over my books that line the floor.

The other night as I was coming back to bed after a 3:30 am bathroom run, I banged my knee against the end of my bed frame. It woke up Bryant and he suggested that we switch sides until I have the baby. For safety reasons. His side is a straight shot from the bedroom door so It would be easy for me to find the bed in the dark, rather than feeling around to my side.

I was pretty mad at injuring myself and I grumpily told him that I was just fine and that I didn't need him to switch sides with me.

Over the next couple of nights, he repeatedly asked me to switch sides. He was worried that I was really going to hurt myself or the baby one of these nights. That just made me more mad that he thought I couldn't be careful enough.

Well, like I said, my stubbornness makes me stupid.

Early this morning around 5:00am I had to make a dash to the bathroom. On my way back I knew that I had a few books and a half full glass of water somewhere on the floor on my side of the bed. I decided the best course of action so I didn't knock over my glass of water and destroy the book (which isn't mine, It's borrowed from work) would be for me to crawl up the middle of the bed to my pillow. I felt around till I could feel Bryant's feet, so I figured a couple inches over and I wouldn't crawl over him and wake him up. I got up to the pillow and rolled onto my right side to settle in when suddenly, I was crashing flat on my back to the ground with my head banging the corner of my bookcase and my elbow taking the brunt of my falling body weight.

Before I was even able to realize what had just happened, Bryant had pulled me back up onto the bed and cradled me as I began to sob. I was so mad that I had miscalculated how far over I was on the bed and my head, back and elbow were in some serious pain.

"We are switching sides" Bryant said.

I wasn't going to argue. I know I should have listened to him in the first place.

My head still hurts where the corner met it along with a terrible headache, and my elbow is pretty bruised and scraped (thanks to the tile floor). All because I didn't listen to my husbands good advice.


  1. I thought I made a comment on this, but it's not showing up so I'll say it again; Rather than switching sides, why don't you get a nightlight? You're probably going to want one when the baby comes anyway. I know if it was me I would really hate switching sides as I picked my side for a reason. But maybe that's just me. :)

  2. Haha, just wait until the last trimester. I have to go constantly!!!!
