
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 4 of 30 Things

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old-self if you could.

  1. Pay better attention in Seminary. You're really going to regret that you don't know that much when you meet your future husband someday, because you will want to be on his scriptural knowledge level, and wont be.

 2. You've done well at avoiding unneccessary drama in your life, keep it up!

 3. Write down everything you learn in your art classes. You may not feel like you're very good 
      right now, but someday you will want to pick-up art again in your 20's and not remember any of   the tecniques.

4. Have more school spirit. You may think High School is lame and just want to graduate and move on to college, but trust me, you will be missing out on some great memories.

5. Eat healthier! You may be a stick now, but you're going to get hips and some chub from having at baby when you are 23, and and you won't be in the habit of making good food choices.

6. Friends and boys will come and go. And even though you won't get too broken up about breaking up with them (or visa versa) give yourself some credit. You don't need to let them, or your "friends" make fun of you or make you feel bad about living up to your standards. You should feel proud! I'm cheering for you! And believe me when I say, someday your prince will come, and he will love you and respect you and take care of you. Not like these silly 16 year old boys now.

7. Don't be so hard on your parents. Especially when they need your help. The trials and hardships your family has gone through in the past 2 years are unique and you have to be there for each other. Things will never be entirely back to normal. But I promise, everything turns out O.K.

8. Be a little more adventurous, don't be such a scaredy-cat.

9. Have a better attitude about the hard things. In a few years, you will realize that they were little, easy things and you will laugh at yourself for ever having been worried about them.

10. Speak up a little more. You have a lot of ideas and opinions and you don't need to be afraid of people making fun of them. You will get feisty in college when someone makes fun or questions your opinions. If you had this attitude about standing up for them during high school, classes would have been a lot more fun and interesting.

Sorry this one is kind of dumb. I really didn't have that much I would say to my 16 year old self, because I believe that everything I've ever done, has made me who I am today. I guess If I could talk to my teenage self, I would just give her words of encouragement, because that's all I really needed back then.

1 comment:

  1. oo, I want to do a post like this. Excellent. I think we would all love to give our teenage selves advice. And I could have used the eating healthy advice as well!
