
Saturday, October 16, 2010

See? I didn't even cry!

Yesterday was my 16 week checkup (with the new doctor)
Everything looked and went great!

We were finally able to hear Baby Stoke's heartbeat! We got to see it on the ultrasound last month, but we weren't able to hear it. This time it was loud and clear at 147 bpm! Perfect!

Also, I only gained half a pound in the last month!
Only one half!
Woo Hoo!!!

The doctor said that as long as I wasn't losing any weight, it was nothing to be concerned about seeing as the baby only weighs a few ounces. It just means I'm not gaining any "extra" weight other places (lucky me! you can go ahead and be jealous... until I start ballooning, then you can go ahead and make fun of me...)

Bryant was a little bummed because he was hoping we would get another ultrasound since this was a new doctor, but they said that they would do an extensive one next time, which is when we get to find out what it is! (no worries Miranda, I'll be sure to post it!)

Also, I was finally able to get all my blood work done.
The lab tech wouldn't do it until I could giver her a urine sample first (gross, I know but i'm writing about it anyways) However, murphys law that basically, anything that could go wrong, does, kicked in.

Being pregnant means that I was up 3 times the night before rushing to the bathroom and I had gone twice before my appointment. Then, when I need to go, I of course, can't. So I hit the drinking fountain pretty hard, sat around for a half hour until I could giver her the sample. Then she was able to draw my blood.

I'm such a wimp when it comes to needles. My parents once tricked me into going into the hospital to get some blood drawn and I hid myself in the bathroom for almost a half an hour.

So I sat down in the chair and tried to look brave. Bryant saw through it though and came over to hold my hand. The lab tech didn't even give me a warning like a "ok, 1,2,3!" or a "ok, just a slight pinch here" nope, she just jammed that needle right in my arm.

The initial stabbing didn't hurt too bad, but after a few minutes, I realized my arm was really starting to hurt, and that it was taking her a really long time. I decided to brave a look and I realized that she had 3 vials filled and still had 2 more to go. I didn't think they would take that much blood. I suddenly got light headed and realized I wasn't breathing.

When she was all done, I looked and Bryant and said "See? I didn't even cry!" and he said "I wasn't worried about you crying, I was worried about you passing out!" The lab tech laughed and said "honestly, so was I there for a second!"

Thanks for your support guys...

Anyways, it was all over and I felt just fine, till I got out to my car. Thats when I suddenly felt extremely worn out and, you know, just kind of blah.

But it was all over. And I survived.
I'm so tough, I bet that epidural is a piece of cake! (don't tell me otherwise, you'll just freak me out, let me hope and dream here)

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! So next time we get to hear the big news!!

    And congratulations on getting through the blood part, and the whole time being conscious and everything. That takes talent... trust me, I know!

    Well cool stuff, can't wait for the next post!
