
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little kicks

So when we went to the doctor's earlier in the week he asked if I was able to feel the baby move at all. I said that I had felt little bubbles and almost like a teeny tiny fish or something was moving or "fluttering" in there. He said that that was most likely the baby, but I just shrugged it off thinking that when the baby really began to move, I would realize it.

Then, yesterday afternoon, there I was on the couch, catching up on the afternoon news and doing some facebooking on the laptop when I felt it. I felt a little poke a few inches below my belly button. I stopped typing, trying to decided if I was imagining it or not but then there was a 2nd definite poke about and inch to the left of the last one.

"yup" I thought, "that was a poke!" not a flutter, not a possible gas bubble, it was most definitely a poke!

I sat there for a few more minutes trying to see if I could feel any more but nothing happened. I went to work, nothing the whole time. Then I came home and watched TV with Bryant, trying to see if I could feel anything then. Nothing.(a little over 16 weeks today! Finally into the 4th month!)

Finally, I went to bed but wasn't really tired so I pulled out a book and lay down on my side. About an hour into my reading, I felt a flutter. But not a light little one, I mean a definite movement. I knew it was the baby moving again! For about 10 minutes I would feel different little flutters. Almost like something was "wooshing" around in there.

Today it happened again as I was laying down again this afternoon to finish up my book, those little flutters started up again. It was so fun to just sit there and enjoy feeling that my baby was alive and well in there! I can't wait for it to get stronger so that Bryant will be able to feel it's little kicks and jabs!

Speaking of Bryant, he convinced me today to go on a Sunday drive up the canyon (it doesn't take much to convince me since that's one of my all time favorite things to do!)

It was gorgeous up there!

(don't worry, those ugly roots in my hair are getting fixed this week! I think I'm going back to blond, it's easier to keep-up!)

You haven't really experienced fall until you've experienced it in Utah
We had to stop and walk around for quite a while even though the ranger at the entrance said that since we didn't buy a pass we couldn't park anywhere, but I get really car sick and if we didn't stop, there were going to be problems...

On the way home, we decided to stop at wal mart and buy how to train your dragon. While we were there, we saw this and just HAD to make use of the photo op:

Yup, That's me...riding a dragon (well, a pretend dragon)

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