
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


A few days before Halloween, we decided it was high time we go out and get us some pumpkins! So we headed out to a pumpkin patch in Orem to scout some out! 

^^Most of my photos didn't turn out. Partly because it was starting to get dark, and partly because trying to take a photo of Deagan is equivalent to attempting to take a photo of The Flash.^^

As soon as we arrived, the kids went NUTS! I don't know what it is, but both my kids are fascinated by pumpkins. They both just took off and ran their little hearts out! Deagan was adorable, shouting "Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Punkiiiissss!" It was like he had discovered gold! 

There was a teepee made out of corn stalks, which lead into a tunnel. Savannah went through probably a dozen times, but Deagan crawled in and camped out in the middle of the tunnel, which was far too small for Bryant or I to climb in after him. We basically had to ask the other kids to go in and shove him out for us. 

^^This was the best photo I could get of both of them together, and it still came out blurry!^^

It's always fun to do little things, like go pick out pumpkins, with the kids, because it's a really big thing to them!

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