
Thursday, November 21, 2013

A happy list

It's quiet in my house right now. 
The only sounds I can hear are the clock above the kitchen sink ticking, and the rain pattering on my deck. 
No baby cries, no requests for food, no football on the TV, no music.
Just quiet. Just stillness.

I don't remember the last time I just sat here and enjoyed the quiet. I feel like my life has been filled with just so much noise. It's been kind of a crazy week and it feels like my mind was always preoccupied with something. Noise of some kind filling my brain. 

I just spent 20 minutes typing up a post, but it was whiny and annoying about how crazy my day has been, about how messy my house is, about how stressed I am about school.

But then I found that all that noise was really just stressful thoughts. So I deleted the whole thing. So here are some positive things going on right now.

1.) I finished painting Savannah's room. Hopefully after Thanksgiving I'll get around to organizing and decorating her room.

2.) I just wrote a paper on Theodora and Justinian. With one hand. In 1 hour. While holding a crying baby. Mama's got some serious paper writing skills.

3.) Savannah can't say "Because" she says it "cubuz". It's too cute to correct her.

4.) Hunger games party and movie on Saturday with my Mom and Sister. Team Gale all the way baby!

5.) I leave for Mt. Shasta on Sunday for Thanksgiving. We haven't been out to Mt. Shasta for Thanksgiving since 2008. We were dating, and I tried to impress Bryant's parents by making a pie that was a total failure. I'm going to make it again this time and it will be a win!

6.) I ate Taco Amigo like, 4 times this week. 2 of those times was actually in the same day... Stress eating? Or just pure laziness? You decide.

7.) Bryant bought me flowers. Do you even realize what a big deal this is?? Bryant once gave me a small box of chocolates for valentines day, that he got as a gift from someone else and re-gifted to me. He thought he was really clever, because it was a "free valentines gift" and didn't have to worry about it. He also once bought me a pillow for 99 cents for our first Valentines day together. Mr. Romantic over here...

And here are some moments from various temper tantrums this week. Because they are always funnier after they have passed...


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