
Thursday, May 19, 2011

My little trooper

Well, we survived the two month check-up, and with it, 4 vaccines!
Savy was such a brave little bug, and she held it together better than I did.

The doc says she's super healthy and developing right on track.

She weighed 9lbs 15oz -- 50th percentile

She was 22 1/2 inches long --75 percentile

and her head was in the 50th percentile.

When the doctor saw how long she was, he said "I think in this day and age, it's great to be a tall, beautiful woman!" hahaha

I was stressing about her shots all morning long. Poor thing didn't know what was coming. She took the oral vaccine really well, but when they gave her the first shot, she pouted her lip and her face turned bright red. By the 3rd shot, she was screaming, and I was crying. I held her little hand and she clenched my finger with all her might. After the nurse was done, she left the room, and they had asked Bryant to go out to get some insurance information, so I picked Savy up and just held her and cried with her for a few moments alone.

But true to form, as soon as we got in the car, she was cooing and happy.

We got home and I gave her some Tylenol and rubbed her legs and she took a nice long nap. When she woke up, I wrapped the two of us up in the softest blanket we have and we just had a good snuggle.


  1. At my doctor's office they have two nurses come in for the shots so they can do them at once. They count to three and then stick both the legs at the same time, followed quickly with the second set. Usually they're done by the time the baby gets the shocked scream out. I think I'd feel worse about the shots if it was once person doing each shot one at a time. Poor baby. :(

  2. That picture is my favorite so far. We seriously need to have another dinner night so I can hold her!! You let us know when you can...

    And I used to giggle at moms who cried at their babies' dr appointments...but to tell you the truth, I'll probably be an emotional mess when our little girl gets her shots too!

  3. Sad she got poked but that's a cute bandaid. I always gave shots by myself. If the nurse is fast it's actually more efficiant (for nurse and baby) and just as quick as if two gave shots at the same time. I know for sure tho I am going to be a pain and request the best nurses to give my babies their pokes. I guess that's one of the bennifits with knowing the nurses :)Nothing worse than a crying screaming baby on the table for forever getting poked. So sad. She is soooo cute!!

  4. Oy. Not looking forward to shots.
    Also, your daughter weighs as much as I did when I was born. not looking forward to pushing this baby out either.

  5. When we lived in WA our kids did fine. At the hospital in UT, the nurses always made me lean over the baby and make them look at me, because the nurse didn't want the baby to associate her with the shot. It kind of made me mad and I thought it was a little ridiculous. But whatever.

  6. When I remember, I give Tylenol right before the Dr. appointment so the shots don't hurt quite so bad. Usually they cry for just a minute.
