
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Before the snow sets in

It feels like it's been an eventful Sunday.

This morning, Bryant and I's alarm didn't go off so we accidentally slept in way too late, which really bummed us out because Elder L Tom Perry came and spoke at our building. We were planning on being at church really early so that we could get a seat. Dang that alarm!

So we were an hour late and on our way to the church, I nearly kicked a snake in the face! I was looking at the ground and telling Bryant how pretty all the leaves were that had fallen off the trees and I was shuffling my feet through them, trying to kick them up when all of a sudden, there it was! Right by my foot! Of course I screamed, and I may or may not have said something I shouldn't have said at the church (sometimes when I'm scared I can't help what comes out of my mouth, sorry mom!)

After I screamed, I almost thought it was fake because it was holding perfectly still. I even threw a leaf at it to see if it would scurry away, but it wouldn't.

After debating if I should poke it or not, I decided that we should continue into the building. Of course, every nook and cranny of that place was packed and kids were running wild in the hallways like a pack of monkeys. After 15 minutes of trying to find a seat in every room (you'd think people would make room for a pregnant lady) we finally found a piano bench we parked our bums on. We only caught the end of the talk, but it was really good!

After church, we went up to my parents where they asked if Bro. Clayson had talked to us. We said no, and the next thing we know, he's on the front porch step. I was crossing my fingers he was coming to release us from primary (and crossing my toes he wasn't coming to chew us out about being terrible primary teachers)

And wouldn't you know it! He released us!!!
Best. Sunday. Ever.

He said they were switching some things up in January and needed to release some people early. I'll bet you 10 bucks we are the only ones getting released early. He said it was effective immediately, that we didn't even need to teach next week!

After lunch, Bryant and my brothers went out to work on the fence

Someone needs to tell Sawyer that the 80's called and they want their sweat band back.

My mom wanted it to get done today and tomorrow because it's supposed to snow this week.

My little sister and the neighbor girl (in her PJ's no less!) came to help too.

I had fun shuffling through all the leaves in my way awesome slippers. They literally fell all off yesterday. Every time I walked out my pathway, it was raining leaves! I'm thinking of going around the neighborhood and collecting a bunch of different ones and framing some of them.

My sister and the neighbor girl had fun jumping in all the leaves.

I got cold sitting out there so I came in to do some laundry and work on the cowl I'm knitting (if it's going to snow this week, I need to get it done quick!

Bryant just came in and made me a cup of hot chocolate. I think this makes for one great Sunday...

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